Concordia Lutheran Girls Golf at the Rosehill Christian Tournament
Concordia Lutheran Golf is off to a promising start, which was showcased this week.
In their third event of the Spring season, both the Girls’ and Boys’ Golf teams traveled to Gleannloch Pines Golf Club in Spring on Tuesday for the Annual Rosehill Christian Tournament.
Concordia Lutheran's Emerson SwannerPhoto acquired via CLHS Twitter: @clhstxathletics
The girls represented ‘Sader Nation well on the links, finishing the tournament in the No. 2 spot. In addition, Concordia’s Emerson Swanner walked away with a silver finish.
Concordia Lutheran Boys Golf at the Rosehill Christian TournamentPhoto acquired via CLHS Twitter: @clhstxathletics
The boys also ended up in the second-place spot with CLHS’ Caleb Blackburn concluding the course in third place.
Concordia Lutheran's Caleb BlackburnPhoto acquired via CLHS Twitter: @clhstxathletics
Three more events still remain before the TAPPS District Tournament (April 24-25), which will also take place at Gleannloch. This experience will give Concordia Lutheran golf plenty to look forward to, as well as time to prepare for the upcoming postseason.
At this rate, more medals should be expected in the future.