Back Row: Naviah Dixon, Julia Webster, Paige Estes, Hannah Potter, Jalynn Gerard; Front Row: Annie Matthews, Chase Hubbard and Maddie Roberts
Photo by Bradley Collier of VYPE Media
In an effort to highlight the growing prestige of the athletic program at Fort Bend Christian Academy, Kelly Carroll, Athletic Director, partnered with VYPE Houston to photograph and promote the teams of FBCA.
Through the year, VYPE held three media days on the campus of Fort Bend Christian Academy! Check out some of the best pics from the fall and winter of 2019!
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fbca athleticsfort bend christian academyfort bend christian academy sportsvype houston high school sportsvype campusnaviah dixonjulia websterpaige esteshannah potterjalynn gerardannie matthewschase hubbardmaddie robertsaidan mcdonaldmeredith perrydylan weavermadi dunnjustin coxgrant klattfikunre kuteyicaitlyn harramaneric mccurdyhung dangmadelyn pozzidarian mcmillenjulio jayesclaude minkandijulian hoodtrinity friasjulia webstertaylor daileyremington stricklandkatia garcia-romanosfbca