Five 5A realignment football storylines to keep an eye on: is relief for Dallas ISD schools on the way?
Bryan Adams running back Kenvodrick Shaw (2) works to break away from Highland Park defensive linemen Prince Dorbah (32) and Chris Read (24) during the first quarter of a matchup between Highland Park and Bryan Adams on Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 at Forester Field in Dallas.
Much of the suspense has been taken out of the UIL's upcoming realignment announcement Feb. 3. The UIL has already released the classification cutoff numbers and the list of schools that will be in each classification.
All that is left is to divulge what the district alignments will look like. As one coach said recently when asked for his prediction, "it is all just a guessing game."
Because all classifications except 6A are split into Division I and Division II for football only based on enrollment before the season starts, many of the 5A districts that will be announced for football on Feb. 3 will look different for other sports. Here are the top 5A storylines for football ahead of realignment.
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