Touchdown Club Heisman Luncheon
The Touchdown Club of Houston will assist a group that is bringing in nine Heisman Trophy winners for a luncheon to raise money for charity. The Heisman Luncheon will be at noon, Thurs., June 3, at the Omni-Galleria. Tickets are $50 each. Tables are 10 seats each and cost $500 (regular table), $750 (bronze sponsorship), $1,000 (silver sponsorship), $1,500 (gold sponsorship) and $2,500 (platinum sponsorship).
Former Heisman winners attending will be Mike Rozier, Eric Crouch, Johnny Rogers, Archie Griffin, Charlie Ward, Billy Simms, Mike Garrett, George Rogers, and Tim Brown. Also scheduled to attend are Warren Moon, John Randle, Rod Woodson, Doug Smith, and William Fuller.
There will be a discussion from each Heisman winner as to how their lives changed and what the award meant to them.
For more questions, call the TD Club's Neal Farmer 713-849-9860 (home office) or email Purchase tickets using PayPal at