Jackson Cichon, Mansielf Summit
VYPE 411: Mansfield Summit's Jackson Cichon
Jackson Cichon recently won the VYPE DFW 2020 Public School Preseason Boys XC Runner of the Year Fan Poll. VYPE caught up with Cichon for the 411 on the star from Mansfield Summit.
VYPE: How long have you been running Cross Country and how did you get your start?
Cichon: I've been running cross since the 6th grade and I got into it because It was one of the few sports that were offered at my school. I also started running because I wanted to improve in baseball.
VYPE: Go-to pre run meal? Routine?
Cichon: I personally don't like to eat a ton before a run just a little snack bar does me fine. For my routine it's nothing out of the ordinary except I'll envision my race and how I want to win.
VYPE: Favorite subject in school?
Cichon: I would probably say science.
VYPE: What's your biggest strength? Or What do You Bring to Your Team?
Cichon: Easily my work ethic and I think I proved it to myself this summer while working 2 jobs and running everyday.
VYPE: What is your favorite thing to do outside of running?
Cichon: I'd have to say hanging out with the boys, playing games, or art, maybe mix some reading in there.
VYPE:. What has been your greatest HS memory so far?
Cichon: Definitely my first time qualifying for state.