She shoots, and she scores! The Royal High School Lady Falcons made yet another goal to add to the scoreboard.
On Friday, February 14th, the Royal High School ladies' soccer team had a big win over Rice Consolidated. The Lady Falcons have successfully made a comeback.
Placing the cherry on top of Valentine's Day with a win. Demonstrating their hard work out on the field, resulting in a final score of 3-1.
The goals scored at the game were done by Jessica Aguilar, Stephanie Arriaga, and Sarah Olazaron.
"Sometimes I feel like giving up," Stephanie, a junior, said. "Then I remember I have a lot of people to prove wrong."
The girls didn't give up, and pushed through and laid out their best for an excitable win for the girls on the soccer team, and for the fans watching.
"I think we are putting in a lot of effort and every time we play we give the best of ourselves out on the field," Ruby Anaya, a senior varsity player said. "Everyone tries their best and I think every time we do, we get better, and I hope the next season is better and we win more games."
The girls played the game, the way they know how to play, showing off their skills earned through practice, and showing the other team what they were made of.
The Lady Falcons now have a current record of 2-4.
"It's been a season of many ups and downs, but overall I feel that we have progressed so much as a team and as people," junior Jessica Aguilar said.