THE TIER LIST: VYPE DFW Softball Rankings amid District; Melissa still on top, with Forney, Aledo closing in
17 Mar, 2025
texas high school softballuil softballdallas fort worth high school sportsdfw high school sportsdfw softballvype dfwvype dallas fort worthmelissa softballforney softballaledo softballdenton guyer softballbirdvillebirdville softballhebronhebron softballflower mound marcusflower mound marcus softballkeller softballmansfield legacymansfield legacy softballprosper softballdallas high school sports
THE TIER LIST: VYPE DFW Baseball Rankings entering district-play; Boswell, Aledo making waves
17 Mar, 2025
texas high school baseballuil baseballdallas fort worth high school sportsdallas high school sportsdfw high school sportsdfw baseballboswell baseballgrapevine baseballsouthlake carroll baseballaledo baseballflower mound baseballwylie baseballrockwall baseballflower mound marcus baseballsachse baseballbyron nelson baseballkeller baseballdallas high school baseball
clear springs baseballdawson baseballgarritt romerohouston high school baseballhouston high school sportshunter heathlsa baseballlutheran south academy baseballmarcus cantunico partidapearland baseballprivate school baseballprivate school sportstapps baseballtapps sportstexas high school baseballtexas private schoolsuil baseballutmbutmb healthvype houston high school sportsnoah nelsonsanta fe baseballutmb playmakers
charleigh esparzaclear springs softballdeer park softballdobie softballerianna garciafriendswood softballhouston high school softballhouston high school sportskaylee schweitzerpearland softballtexas high school softballuil softballutmbutmb healthvype houston high school sportsbraelynn jonespersephone soriautmb playmakers