The Bush Broncos came ready to play against the Katy Taylor Mustangs! It was neck and neck during the first half of the game and Taylor ended the second quarter up by two points.
After, halftime Bronco Zion Bourgeois came back out and turned the game around! The Broncos came out on top and won against the Mustangs 83-71!
Leading the way for the Bush Broncos was Z. Bourgeois (#1) w/ 21 points, T. Smith (#11) w/ 19 points, and B. Love (#24) w/ 13 points. Check out the photos below!
J. Arnold (#10) at the free throw line.
T. Smith (#11) puts it up for two.
Bronco R. Hill (#3) on defense. Mustang L. St Julien (#3) on offense.
B. Love (#24) SLAMS!
(Left) Bronco K. Harris (#15) (Right) Mustang E. Melchiorre (#33).
Z. Bourgeois (#1)
B. Love (#24) lays it up for two.
Bronco B. Love (#24) Mustang E. Melchiorre (#33)
Bronco B. Love (#24) Mustang E. Melchiorre (#33)
R. Hill (#3) brings the ball down court as J. Arnold (#10) D's up!
T. Smith (#11) puts two on the board.
Bronco B. Love (#24) blocks lay up attempt by Mustang.
Broncos huddle up.
T. Smith (#11) sets up play.
B. Love (#24) tries to work his way into paint.
Z. Bourgeois (#1) looks for open Bronco to pass to as A. Pelzer (#25) blocks.
R. Hill (#3) lays it up for two pints.
K. Harris (#15) brings the ball down court.
B. Love (#24) shoots for two.
Broncos timeout!
B. Love (#24) shoots for two.
Z. Bourgeois (#1) goes up strong for two.
Bronco T. Smith (#11) among Mustangs T. Harris (#42) and J. Arnold (#10) box out.
Coach Gay coaching Bronco L. Stewart (#2) from the sideline.
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