Hundreds of games across the metroplex featuring thousands of athletes- PrimeTime Sports put on another, epic Nationals event this summer. From social media content and videography to photography, VYPE DFW was there to catch all of the action during Championship Sunday at the Southwest Athletic Center in Carrollton, Texas.
The teams put in the work and showed the exact kind of grit fans and parents wanted to see from rising elite athletes in the area. After physical matchups during semifinals, it was clear that the championship rounds were not going to leave everyone wanting more. In exclusive interviews with some of the coaches and athletes, VYPE learned a little bit about what PrimeTime Sports means to the community. Coach Lonnie Durham with Elite27 spoke with VYPE following a semifinal win:
"I love playing with PrimeTime- even through the season. Nearly all of the tournaments we are in has great competition and I think it's well run. This is our first time to actually get to participate in the Nationals and it's great competition. The whole reason we're here is because we want the kids to get better. I want them to get better each and every game. We want to win, but- at the same time- if we lose, as long as we're getting better that's my whole goal."
PrimeTime Sports has had a positive impact on the community as many athletes who have now grown and gone on to do great things as adults. During the PrimeTime Sports Expo, fans were thrilled to see PrimeTime alumn, Prestonwood graduate, Kentucky Men's Basketball star, and current New York Knicks athlete Julius Randle working out on a practice court for the kids to watch. Growing up in the area and attending PrimeTime events just might have helped shape Randle into who he is today-- giving the younger generation something to strive for and look up to.
"It's so cool," one young athlete for 2026 Campbell Elite said while watching Randle work out. "It really goes to show you that participating in events like this can help train you for the next level if you're dedicated enough." 2026 Campbell Elite went on to win their group's championship game in a 71-66 battle against Oklahoma's i4 Thundercats.
PrimeTime Sports clearly has an impact on the coaches, athletes, and basketball fans who attend their events. "I think anytime that somebody can learn how to deal with adversity and maintain high character, that's what's going to go with them long-term," Coach Durham said. "Some of them are going to play at the next level and some of them are not, but if they become better men because they learned how to go through adversity, then that in itself is the most important thing to me."
For results from the tournament please visit PrimeTime Sports!
VYPE was able to catch plenty of content from the day, find some of the photos below!
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)
Cameron Been (VYPE Media)