Although the Shadow Creek boys are now out of the playoffs, the Shadow Creek girls are still in! After their 66-47 win against the Tompkins Lady Falcons, they will take on the Cy Creek girls this coming Tuesday at the Merrell Center to determine who will be going to State Semi-Finals! Check out some pics from the game below!
Lay Falcon C. Smith (#5) runs play as Lady Shark D. Willams stays on defense.
R. Taylor (#30) goes up strong for two as D. Adeleye (#35) blocks her shot.
L. Johnson (#23) knocks down three!
C. Smith (#5) at the free throw line.
L. Johnson (#23)
R. Taylor (#30) sets up play.
R. Anderson (#14) shoots for two at the free throw line.
D. Williams (#11) at the line for two points.
B. Brown (#1) looks for open Lady Shark to pass to.
BV. White (#12) shoots for two at the free throw line.
M. Spencer (#32) drives into the paint.
A. Edmond (#3) passes to open Lady Shark.
A. Edmond (#3) makes a fast break.
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