VYPE U Behind The Lens: Lamar Texans Remain Undefeated In District After Win Against Sam Houston MSTC (59-55)
Jan 21, 2020
The Lamar Texans came together as a team to defeat the Sam Houston Tigers 59-55. At the end of the 1st quarter the score was 17-15 (Tigers). Throughout the 2nd (30-28), 3rd (45-44), and 4th (59-55) quarter the Texans stayed ahead of the Tigers to win a close and exciting game. Leading the way for the Texans was C. Smith (#3) w/ 12 points, Sir Issac (#11) w/ 10 points, and M. Brown (#23) w/ 10 points.
Leading the way for the Tigers was C. Amboree (#0) w/ 15 points, J. Baines (#3) w/ 13 points, and K. Burton (#20) w/ 12 points.
R. Hess (#12) looks for open Texan to pass to while, C. Amboree (#0) is on defense.
D. Williams (#2) on his toes at the free throw line.
R. Hess (#12) shoots for two.
C. Smith (#3) knocks down a three!
Sir Issac (#11) goes up strong for two.
R. Hess (#12) at the three point line!
M. Brown (#23) looks for open Texan as Tiger J. Shanu (#33) is on defense.
Sir Issac (#11) shoots for two.
L. Burton (#13) gets ready to pass ball to Texan M. Brown (#23).
M. Brown (#23) lays it up for two.
L. Burton (#13) shoots for two.
Sir Issac (#11) looks for open Texan to pass to while, Tiger K. Burton (#20) is on defense.
J. Shanu (#33) at the free throw line.
C. Amboree (#0) shoots to put three on the board! Texan C. Smith (#3) on defense.
C. Amboree (#0) looks to set up play while, Texan A. Garcin Square (#1) is on defense.
A. Garcin Square (#1) knocks down a three!
Sir Issac (#11) shoots for two.
K. Burton (#20) shoots for three!
M. Brown (#23) puts two on the board.
G. Baines (#5) at the free throw line.
R. Hess (#12) attempts to get the ball in play while, J. Baines (#3) is at the line.
K. Collins (#2) at the free throw line for two.
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