VYPE U Behind the Lens: Bush Broncos Defeat Mayde Creek Rams

The George Bush Broncos takes the win against the Maybe Creek Rams. Leading the way D. McAdory (#24) with 24 points, DJ. Stewart (#2), and J. Cosalle (#3) added 10 points each.

Nice put back by D. McAdory (#24)!

DJ Stewart (#2) goes up for two.

DJ Stewart (#2) sets up play for Broncos.

J. Cosalle (#3) shoots for two.

DJ Stewart (#2) goes up strong!

DJ Stewart (#2) looks for a open Bronco to pass the ball too. 

D. Lemelle (#23) at the free throw line.

D. McAdory (#24) retrieves a lob from DJ Stewart (#2) and BOOM!  


DJ Stewart (#3) shoots for 3!